
About Me

Welcome to The Poetic Body Retreats
Kimberly Bearden

Kimberly Bearden E-RYT 500, Yoga Medicine Registered Specialist

I began my yoga practice in 2004 and fell in love with it immediately. What started out as a way to regain my physical health and limber body became a passageway to a more peaceful life. Having been a dancer for years my body was yearning to leave the weight room behind and fulfill its need to flow, twist, bend and turn upside down. The emphasis yoga places on breath left me refreshed, and the calm I found within made me want to share the experience with others. In 2008, I was fortunate enough to receive my 200 Hour YTT with Shiva Rea, the creator of Vinyasa Flow, at the Samudra School for Living Yoga in Venice Beach, CA. My desire to understand the body more thoroughly led me to study with Tiffany Cruikshank and Yoga Medicine for my 500 Hour Advanced Yoga Teacher Certificate. I believe in the vision that yoga postures along with breath work and meditation can be used to heal the body, like medicine, and am always excited to pass along all that I have been taught. My home studio, The Poetic Body, opened in 2013 and I have loved sharing this space with the community and watching that group of students become caring friends to one another.

I’m obsessed with travel, and I thoroughly enjoyed the years I spent traveling across the country for my yoga teacher trainings. There is nothing like seeing new places, unplugging from your normal routine and meeting new friends who share your passion. I was excited to share this experience with my students, so in 2016 I organized and led my first yoga retreat and have never looked back! What an incredible gift it has been for me to witness the transformational power of yoga, travel, space, laughter and community within these retreats. When we unwind and have the chance to exist without all of our daily distractions there is space to reset and replenish ourselves. I hope that you will join me on a yoga retreat sometime, I promise to always have one on the horizon and to guide you well.

I have a loving and playful husband, Brent, of 36 years and two incredible daughters, Samantha and Savannah. Off the mat I enjoy hiking, walking, SUP, playing cards, reading and traveling. I have also discovered that I love to gather strangers and create loving communities. It is probably because our daughters live on each coast and we have no other family in Colorado that community is so important to me, is chosen family for me. It is quite evident in the way I spend my days teaching community yoga classes, leading yoga retreats, running and leading a book club, a church small group, and an active ministry at church. I can guarantee that you won’t be a stranger long in any group I lead 😊.

I am beyond excited to travel to the beautiful Algarve region of Portugal! This country is very popular with expats and was on Brent and my short list for retirement locations. The country has wonderfully preserved history; including medieval city walls, moorish castles and Roman bridges. Perched above the Mediterranean Sea; the views, beaches and climate are romantic and dreamy. I can’t wait to experience it for myself and hope you can join me for this amazing trip!!
